Estimate Writers


Xactimate Smoke & Cleaning Estimate


  • Smoke / Cleaning Estimates
    are 3% of estimate total
  • Unlimited Items
  • Sketch
  • Revisions
  • $100 is our minimum fee


Smoke / Cleaning Estimates are 3% of the estimate total with a $100 minimum fee.

Any estimate under $3,500 is only $100. Over $3,500, our fee is 3% of the total. Restoration can be included as a second separate estimate at no extra charge, if ordered at the same time. This may help you avoid an additional minimum. If the combined total exceeds $3,500, the 1% fee still applies.
The $100 payment will be held as a deposit.

Your estimate will include your company information, all of the items you indicated with recent pricing for the correct zip code. We will also include your logo, photos, and specialty bid items, if provided. Information must be submitted on our Smoke and Cleaning Cover Page and Smoke and Cleaning Room Form. If you have an adjuster’s estimate, be sure to send it also. Don’t bother repeating information already on the adjuster’s estimate.

You will typically receive your estimate as a PDF attachment by return email usually within 1-3 days, except Sundays and holidays. There are times, however, when an order can take longer due to volume. All estimates are written from scratch by seasoned professionals. If you are sweating a deadline then give us a call. We want your business.